More about Naturopathic Medicine and Dr. Knights…

The Principles of Naturopathic Medicine are…

First Do no Harm

Treat the Cause

Doctor as Teacher

The body has the innate ability to heal itself

Prevention as cure

When the body is given the correct nutrients it has the ability to destroy foreign bodies, restore damaged pathways, and heal and reproduce new healthy cells. In today’s fast paced world with many high stress careers and demands, genetically modified ingredients, foods filled with chemicals and hormone mimicking capabilities, people are in need to eliminate toxins and restore normal physiology. Dr. Knights feels that each individual hastens their healing by eliminating the toxins that pollute it. She focuses on cleansing the gut with all her patients at some point of care, preferably the beginning- because without proper assimilation and digestion every other metabolic pathway is hindered in some way. This allows food to be efficiently utilized and supplements to perform therapeutically which otherwise could not be true for the individual. She also uses several forms of hydrotherapy (applications of hot/cold compresses) to assist the body with blood flow and improve oxygen and nutrient delivery to the vital organs. When dis-ease has reached a certain stage or complexity she will choose more conventional methods to achieve healing.

She approaches each person’s need individually taking the time to understand all possible causes and putting together researched and clinically relevant information to assist their healing.  For her patients battling cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and other more difficult conditions she will offer IV protocols to achieve a higher level of nutrients to the blood. For people with diabetes she has success reducing the person’s need for insulin, lowering cholesterol, achieving weight loss, and reversing and/or preventing most diabetic complications with her approach to medicine. For children with learning or behavioral issues her gut biome approach along with individual food elimination diets has provided relief and improvement for the child.

Dr. Knights does provide primary care for her patients but she specializes in using Naturopathic Medicine to treat chronic disease conditions.

If you have been trying to become healthy and need a new approach to your health, call us today. We would be happy to assist you towards health and wellness. 802-748-4700

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